Your Guide To Baby Swimwear
3-6 months The difference in movement between the 0-3 month stage and this stage is very noticeable. The child learns to move his arms and legs, he begins to smile, laugh, wiggle, and giggle, and he learns to coordinate. Muscle tone is also much higher and can be felt when holding the belly in the pelvis. This extra movement helps extend time in the... -
6 Swimming accessories for your child's swim lessons.
What do you pack for your child's first swim lesson? The start of swimming lessons is an important milestone for many children (and often for those who attend!). Even if you're used to going to the pool, it's not always easy to know what to bring for your child's first swim lesson. That's why we want to help by explaining the steps you need... -
When Kids Should Start Swimming Lessons?
It is important that every child knows water survival techniques and knows how to swim. While swimming lessons cannot completely eliminate the risk of drowning, they can make children safer in the water and help prevent tragic water accidents, especially for children one year and older1.1 Here's a guide to swimming lessons for kids, organized by age, what to look for and what to...