5 Benefits Of Infant Swim Lessons

When people think of swimming, they probably think of summer and not the health benefits of year-round active swimming. Unless you live in a very warm climate, you probably shouldn't let your child swim outdoors in the fall or winter. However, year-round swimming offers many health benefits. All it takes is access to an indoor pool.


Get your child actively swimming in the winter

One of the most obvious reasons to swim year-round is that we get a little lazy in the winter. It's cold, and kids often prefer to stay home and watch TV or play video games instead of exercising.

However, one of the best reasons to swim, even in the colder months, is that swimming is a wonderful form of aerobic activity that works a child's whole body. However, care must be taken with water temperature, as young children are more likely to suffer from hypothermia than older children and adults.

5 Advantages of swimming lessons for babies at the age of 6 months.

Most of us know that swimming lessons for children and learning to swim are excellent safety measures, but many parents don't know that children can learn to swim at an early age. It is important to know that more children between the ages of 1 and 4 die from drowning than from any other cause except congenital defects.

Reducing the risk of drowning

The most obvious benefit of teaching a six-month-old to swim is reducing the risk of drowning. According to the CDC, infants are more likely to drown in private pools. However, children can be at risk anywhere there is water, including bathtubs, water parks, and natural bodies of water such as oceans and lakes.

Our "Teddy Bear" program teaches babies and toddlers how to survive a water emergency. Children learn comfort, confidence, propulsion, and independence. The program culminates in Level 3 - Flip to Breathe, in which children learn to flip onto their backs to breathe and then swim back onto their stomachs. They also learn to swim to the wall and pull themselves out of the pool with a belly crawl.

Helps with coordination and balance

When children swim, their bodies are supported by the water. This helps them focus on balance. Through kicking movements, children learn to coordinate both halves of their bodies. They can also try new things without fear of falling or bumping into hard objects.

Children who have participated in children's swimming lessons often have better balance than children who have not taken lessons. One study showed that children who learned to swim at a young age still had better balance than their peers at age five.

Improving strength

It's well known that swimming is a great exercise for children and adults, and that includes your child. It takes more strength to move your arms and legs in the water than it does in the air. This means that swimming strengthens your child's joints and muscles. This hard work also strengthens the child's heart and lungs.

Sleep and appetite

Swimming is hard work! The child will definitely have an appetite. This is a good thing to help picky eaters and encourages the child to get the food he needs to grow.

Since swimming uses a lot of energy, it helps the child sleep. This is good news if your child is often reluctant to go to bed! Swimming also helps children sleep earlier and longer.

Swimming is an activity that has a positive impact on virtually all areas of a child's life, from physical development to social skills and improved learning abilities. It's also a lot of fun and can even help prevent drowning if the child falls into the water unexpectedly.


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