Best Time to Sign Your Child Up for Gymnastics
What follows is a five-minute dismantling of a handful of myths about gymnastics, starting with one of the most important.
Four Common Myths about Gymnastics
Myth 1: Gymnastics is dangerous.
Of course, almost all sports have risks, even table tennis! However, gymnastics is no more dangerous than any other similar activity when practiced correctly.
Myth 2: Gymnasts need complete coordination.
Coordination is only one of many skills taught in gymnastics training. So if it is a slightly deficient element, it is just another goal to be achieved. Be that as it may, and as in any sport, skills in gymnastics are acquired primarily through practice, whether it is the ability to do a cartwheel like a champion or simply to be coordinated!
Myth 3: Gymnasts cannot be afraid of height.
Simone told the famous magazine that fear of height does not affect gymnasts when they train. Why? Because when they do somersaults, sometimes they don't notice or realize the height they are at!
Myth 4: Gymnasts must start young.
Although children can start gymnastics as young as two years old, this is by no means a requirement. The reality, like many myths about gymnastics, is somewhat different. For example, most of those who started gymnastics at an older age can still learn all the necessary movements and perform them flawlessly. This is true even compared to those who started very young!
When is the Best Time to Sign Your Child Up for Gymnastics?
Children's gymnastics: what is it?
What is gymnastics? One can think of the incredible performances of strength and flexibility that are seen on the international stage of the Olympics. It is a physical activity and lifestyle program that combines flexibility, balance, speed, strength, coordination, and power. It is suitable for both boys and girls and can help children develop balance, coordination, and basic motor skills. In the beginning, gymnastics classes often focus on mastering simple basic body positions such as rolling, tipping, and sliding, paving the way for the development of balance skills such as walking, jumping, and bouncing on the beam.While this may seem a little too "organized" for younger children, remember that children do not need to be gymnasts to enjoy the fun and benefits of a gym. Do your children love to explore, move, be active and have fun? If so, they will love gymnastics.
Now that you know the benefits of gymnastics for your children, you may be wondering when is the best time to enroll your child in gymnastics. The truth is that there is no hard-and-fast rule on this point. USA Gymnastics states that children under the age of three can participate in gymnastics classes if accompanied by a parent. Although the American Academy of Pediatrics believes that children under the age of six are not yet ready for organized sports, it recommends that younger children practice their motor skills by somersaulting and running in a fun environment.